Get A Quote

    Association Name

    Association Location (City, State)

    Association Type (Condo, PUD.)

    Number of Units in Association

    Number of Member Emails on File

    Quorum Requirements

    Type of Meeting - Select One

    Type of Election - Select One

    Date of Meeting (mm/dd/yy)

    Time of Meeting

    Exact Address of Meeting

    City, State, Zip of Meeting

    Management Company / Agent

    Manager / Representative

    Management / Representative Street Address

    Management / Representative City, State, Zip

    Manager / Representative Email Address (required)

    Manager / Representative Phone Number (required)

    Date Proposal will be presented to the board

    Who Handled your Election Last Year?

    Select Your Desired Services

    • Collect and prepare election information and candidate information

    • Prepare election documents for mailing to members

    • Full mail house services

    • BRM & new USPS envelopes

    • Collect ballots, register and prepare for meeting

    • Attendance of Inspector of Election and assistants at meeting

    • Perform election procedures in accordance with governing documents and Civil Code

    • Provide required staffing and AutoVote® equipment if necessary for the ballot counting process

    • Provide all documentation of election results

    • Prepare certification of election for corporate records

    • Storage of Records per Civil Code

    • Full Online Election Administration- We handle everything electronically including announcements of your voting event, balloting and reporting of the results.

    • Hybrid Election Services- TIE offers your members a choice of online election participation or voting using our proven paper ballot process. Our TIEiVote™ system has protections in place to prevent members from voting more than once.

    • Member Surveys- Our system also provides the capability to conduct online surveys. If you need to perform a straw poll on an issue, learn about your members statistics or demographics, or just find out who would be interested in attendingOnline Homeowner Voting. g an annual program; TIEiVote™ has a program for your Homeowner or Community Association.

    • TIEiVote™ offers your association online access in which members can login with an association specific user name and password to see your voting event information, sign up to become a candidate, and preview candidate statements and preliminary election information.

    • Provide Custom Form for Candidate submission

    • Statements submitted online via TIEiVote Website, checked for validity and malicious content before going public.

    • Online candidate review available to homeowners before the actual mailing or emailing of the notice (if approved)

    • We Prepare both hardcopy and online statements for the election package

    • Assist with direction and compliance for Association

    • Review of governing documents and election policies

    • Assist with candidate qualifications distribution

    • Prepare candidate form and solicitation by mail and or email

    • Receipt of candidate submissions and eligibility determination

    • Assist with related documentation and reporting

    With the new California laws we hired TIE for our first election. With accumulative voting and a resident election committee to work with - TIE operation was outstanding, very professional, and we had ZERO problems. Thanks - see you next year.

    Bob FigeiraExecutive Director, Woodbridge Village Association

    Thank you so much sir for all your help and everything ran so smoothly this year.

    Danielle Irving, CCAMAssistant Community Manager, The Springs

    Thank you so much! Another flawless job!

    Raj D'SouzaMeridian Residential Association